This Connection Ecology blog, which is a successor to the earlier ConnectionEcology.org website, is the product of a half century spent in wild places of the American West. It reflects my deep belief that current, environmental efforts to protect the environment by increasingly limiting human visitation is a great mistake. This is leading to the progressive erosion in of the quality of the experiences that people have in wild places. This, in turn, undermines human quality of life in ways which threaten the long-term sustainability of a broad range of environmental protection measures by removing much of the stake that people have an environmental protection. This site contains a broad array of materials that I've written over the years to combat this trend and promote what I call "connection ecology" – a strategy which simultaneously pursues environmental protection and human quality- of-life objectives. In addition to materials designed to address wildland management issues, I have also included information about great hikes and tips about how to get the most out of your wilderness excursions.
Guy Burgess
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